Partners & Projects

Utah Asthma Task Force

The Utah Asthma Task Force was formed in 2001. It is comprised of health professionals, educators, and community members that collaborate to improve asthma care and management in Utah. Asthma Task Force meetings are generally held quarterly on the first Tuesday of February, June, and October. Project groups include the inhaler group, evaluation group, healthy homes group, IPM group, and health system group.

upiqUtah Pediatric Partnership to Improve Healthcare Quality

The Utah Pediatric Partnership to Improve Healthcare Quality (UPIQ) is a collaborative effort by organizations and individuals with a common interest in promoting evidence-based best practices and assisting physicians in implementing quality improvement at the practice level. UPIQ has collaborated with UAP since 2006 to improve clinical practices in treating and managing asthma in their patients.

Utah Children's Care Coordination Network

The Utah Children’s Care Coordination Network (UCCCN) was formed in late 2014 to be a source of information, resources, tools, expert advice, and peer learning and support for pediatric and family practice staff members who help coordinate the care of patients. The UCCCN evolved from a Medical Home Demonstration project, led by the UPIQ and the Medical Home Portal, and is a partnership with the Utah Bureau of Children with Special Health Care Needs (UDOH) and Utah Family Voices at the Utah Parent Center.

Medical Home Portal

The Medical Home Portal is web-based unique source of reliable information about children and youth with special health care needs, including asthma. The Portal also provides available resources in Utah, Idaho, Montana, and New Mexico. The Portal is a "one-stop shop" and reference source for families, physicians and medical home teams, and other professionals and caregivers.

Green and Healthy Homes Initiative Salt Lake

The Green and Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI) in Salt Lake County is part of the national movement to implement housing strategies for creating healthy, safe, and energy efficient homes for low- to moderate- income families. GHHI has partnered with the Utah Asthma Program and Asthma Coordinator in Salt Lake County to provide comprehensive asthma care for Utahans with poorly controlled asthma.

eATPatient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

The PCORI is an independent nonprofit, nongovernment organization that aims to help people make informed healthcare decisions and to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes. Dr. Flory Nkoy and his team from the University of Utah developed eAsthma Tracker (eAT), an online tool patients and parents can use to track asthma, and piloted the eAT in the outpatient clinic setting from 2014-2016. Preliminary data suggests a decrease in hospital readmission and ER visits post-eAT use, compared to pre-eAT use. The Utah Asthma Program and other external partners plan to support dissemination of the eAT program to clinics across Utah.

Local Health Departments

Three local health departments receive funding to provide comprehensive asthma services.

Wendy Wright CHES
Utah County Asthma Coordinator
Phone: 801-851-7512
Utah County Asthma Program Website


Jocylin Meza
Salt Lake County Asthma Coordinator
Phone: 385-468-5307
Email: [email protected] 
Salt Lake County Asthma Program Website
Image result for southeast health department utah logo Kathryn Miller, BSW
Southeast Utah Health Department
Phone: 435-636-1165